We are currently recruiting the following
Check out our job descriptions below, as well as our instructions for job descriptions.
Please apply If you are interested.
Please apply If you are interested.
We supply a wide range of construction workers jobs including but not limited to the following: Carpenters, Welders, Electricians, Masons, Pipe Fitters, Duct Men, Installers, Fabricators (TIG, SMAW, GTAW 6 MIG), Other Categories of Technicians
Position: Construction Worker
Destination: Oman
Required No.s : TBC
Salary: Competitive
Position: Construction Worker
Destination: Oman
Required No.s : TBC
Salary: Competitive
We supply a wide range of drivers, heavy duty machinery operators jobs including but not limited to the following: Trailer Drivers, Wheel Load Operators, Dump Truck Drivers, Backhoe Operators, Crane Operators, Drivers, Heavy Machinery, Light Vehicle Driver,Major installations
Position: Domestic Drivers
Destination: SAUDI ARABIA
Required No.s : TBC
Salary: RIYAL 1200 + 300 Food
Position: Domestic Drivers
Destination: SAUDI ARABIA
Required No.s : TBC
Salary: RIYAL 1200 + 300 Food
Position: Housemaids
Destination: Saudi Arabia
Required No.s : 300
Salary: Riyals 900
Destination: Saudi Arabia
Required No.s : 300
Salary: Riyals 900